Friday 1 October 2010

Back row, Honour roll, Ahead of the class...

It's not quite like that for me now as I am not back at Uni as a student, but now as support staff.  It's been my first week and I've had meetings, phone calls, office cake and literally bumped into millions of students.  I've really enjoyed it though and I found out that since it's Freshers week (or Freshers Fortnight as it is now, in my day it was just the week), most things were free.  The only benefit of this for me was the free bus fare on the Uni bus.  However I finished earlier today and I got on a 'public' bus so had to pay.  First of all, it was extortionate - £1.90!!  That was only for one-way as well!  Also I forgot that bus drivers get rather annoyed if you give them anything but the fare.  I got told off for giving the bus driver a £2 coin.  And also, being on a bus unfortunately forces you to be in close proximity to certain members of 'riffraff' society.

So not a great experience.

Buses aside, I had a great first week and I'm looking forward to bringing this job role forward.  Assuming I pass my probation.  Apparently most people 'breeze' through it - no pressure!

In other news, I went to a BodyCombat class last night at a nearby leisure centre.  Wow.  It was hard.  I was supposed to be going with a friend but she got stuck in traffic (in her defense, it was gridlock).  I decided to opt for a Spinning session but it was fully booked so did the BodyCombat on my own.  Massive hall, 4 instructors, loads of people there and I deicded to go at the back so I could copy everyone else.  Which would have been great if I had my glasses on.  So struggled a bit there but it was good nonetheless, lots of jumping too!  I don't ache today but expect that it will come on overnight.

I had an excellent blog idea yesterday and now I can't remember - typical.  It's going to be bugging me all weekend!

Anyway must dash - I'm really hungry!!#

P.S For any of you wondering - the Title is the opening lyrics from New Kid In School by The Donnas.  One of my favourite songs to play drums to on Rock Band.

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