Sunday 10 October 2010

The Pace Is Too Fast/You Just Won't Last

Wow what a week.  Exercise wise I did pretty well, I did Zumba on Monday night with my good friend Jessica Rabbit and then got up at 6am (!! Yeah I know, I was surprised too) on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for a 30 minute exercise DVD shred, sweat, whatever.

My new job seems to be going well, I'm building new relationships and slowly figuring out what my job actually involves and also finding my way around campus.  On Thursday I trundled all the way up to London for a business meeting.  I had some spare time before getting the train back so thought I'd find another university to visit, I went to London Met.  I just stood outside as security was so tight.  I learned a lot from that. 

I keep having amazing ideas for my blog and then forgetting them. 

The top 5 things I have learned this week:
1. Be like a Scout and Always Be Prepared
2. Don't just 'drop in' somewhere big, it won't be appreciated so make an appointment
3. Going up to London, even for only a few hours, will make the inside of your nose black
4. The 'General Public' are extremely selfish and unaware of their surroundings - when saying 'Excuse Me' 4 times, each time increasing the volume only for the lady blocking the aisle to still not move, does justify me opening the freezer door a few minutes later and therefore blocking up the aisle for when she tried to walk past me.
5. I am still a long way off from being able to 'shake it!' at Zumba class

Blog title today - Linkin Park - Points Of Authority.  I have rediscovered Linkin Park today.  I haven't heard any of their material post-Meteora so not sure what they are upto nowadays but I love 'old skool' Linkin Park.

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