Tuesday 19 October 2010

You Could Be Mine

Guns N Roses - LG Arena Birmingham - 17th October 2010

This blog is a bit late as the show was 2 days ago but I wanted to drag out the Guns N Roses experience I had a bit longer before being dragged back to the reality of no Guns N Roses shows.  (What actually happened is that after the gig - I got home at 3am - Had a full day at work the next day - Got home and went to bed - and now it's after work on Tuesday).

I haven't even got inside the building yet and already I am unimpressed.  I was expecting to go in, eat somewhere and then get to the ticketed part of the arena.  But no, I had to queue up til doors open time (6pm) and then get food.  Had I have known that I would have eaten something beforehand and then queued up quietly and got to the front of the gig.  As it turns out I was close to the stage anyway.

Guns N Roses came on over an hour later than Sebastian Bach (who has a wicked voice btw!) and the crowd was starting to get irate and there were some 'boos'.  Not from me, I didn't care, I was about to witness an incredible show.  I knew they'd be on 'around 10' so that was fine for me.  The 'boos' didn't last long, the house lights went down, the crowd erupted in screams and whistles and so the show began.

From the start I noticed that Axl's voice wasn't on top form.  He sounded great but a little strained.  At the end of the show he did apologise and said he woke up with a sore throat.  Again, I noticed that the crowd were really noisy but a bit static.  Maybe it was just where I was stood?

I was absolutely gutted that they didn't play Don't Cry, at around the age of 17, I was completely obssessed with that song.  I love the making of it and can listen to it for hours.  They also didn't play Better (love that one too) and several other songs, making the set about 45-60 mins shorter than the show I went to on Thursday.  But really, how could one top that show - that historical show? 

This is my favourite photo of Dj Ashba that night.  He always had his head down and no amoun of screaming, waving, jumping around etc. got his attention.  (I had even had a ridiclously low cut top on - I planned ahead - but that didn't work either *insulted*)  He was on fine form and I fell in love with him all over again (after Thursday, I got over him by Sunday morning).

Also, he came to the barrier!  Had my boyfriend not be right next time, I expect I would have knocked the girls in front of me out the way and copped a feel ;)

Best Bumblefoot pic.  I stand by my previous statement, he looks so down to earth and friendly.  And, I got in his photo at the end!  Ok, it's only half my face but you can tell it's me!

My best pic of Axl.  He never stayed in 1 place for more than a second so got loads of blurry pictures of him.  I'm actually surprised that he let people take photos because I know he's been really hot on not liking photo's being taken in the past.  I can see why as it does distract you from the show.  I was so excited though that I had to take photos as I forgot most of the show instantly as the house lights came up so having some evidence that I went was great.

The guys at the end of the night.  My dream is gone.

It's now all over so you know what?  I'm now saving up for their US leg of their tour - I'd love to go back to America and what would make it better would be seeing them again on their home turf.  There must be a US leg of the tour right? And surely it would be next year?  Which gives me enough time to save up for a trip across the pond!

Saturday 16 October 2010

Get In The Ring Muthaf****r And I'll Kick Your Bitchy Little Ass, Punk!

Thursday October 14th 2010 - O2 Arena London. 

Without a doubt the best concert I have ever been to.  Visually stunning, excellent pyro effects and lighting.  The whole band was on form, Axl's voice was spot on at all times.  He was still bombing around the stage like he did 20 years ago.  The rest of the band looked and sounded great.  The only downside to the whole night was that it had to end (and also I may have gained an extreme slight crush on DJ Ashba).

We (myself and my friend Sarah) got to the O2 at 4.30pm.  Slightly early.  Apparently we got there too early as Sarah suggested going later and I didn't respond so we went early - I don't remember that bit though.  The guy in Starbucks laughed at me as we were 5 hours early.

Somehow though time flew and suddenly we were in the arena and Sebastian Bach came on stage.  I saw him a few years back in Nottingham when he was supporting Guns N Roses there.  He had the same energy there and was a good performer, he got the crowd going and there were quite a few Skid Row fans in the crowd.  I've got no idea what he was talking about though, I heard his voice but didn't understand.  He performed an hour long set and then we waited for GNR.  After about an hour or so the lights went down, the crowd went wild and then opening riff of Chinese Democracy sounded.

I love that song, I first heard some Chinese Democracy songs around 8 years ago when I went to see them at London Docklands Arena, I only remember Madagascar though from that time. 

Anyway, Sarah and I decided that Bumblefoot would be a great guy to go to the pub with.  He seemed really down to earth and a lot of fun. 

Duff appeared on stage - the first time Axl and Duff have been on stage together for 17 years.  I've seen Axl twice and Duff twice, it was great to see them together.  It was actually pretty impressive.  Since the event there has been loads of speculation that there is going to be a reunion and if so what would happen to the new band and also that Axl was 'cold' towards Duff on stage.  I enjoyed it for that 1 night special, kinda like when Tom Cruise joined the Black Eyed Peas on stage a few months back - obviously Duff was more epic though. 

I found out that Richard Fortus has amazing pecs.

DJ Ashba, I'll be honest, I hadn't heard of him before he joined Guns N Roses.  He's a lot older than he looks.  So he's the 'replacement' Slash.  He's come under a lot of scrutiny because he also uses a Gibson Les Paul (along with thousands of other guitarists may I add), he wears a hat (that looks tailored to suit him, I also know a lot of people who wear hats) and he moves like Slash (again, when playing the guitar, there are only so many ways you can 'jam').  I liked DJ Ashba a lot.  I liked his energy, he had a pretty smile and he spent a lot of time on the side of the stage where I was - I'm going to position myself on that side again in Birmingham and Sods Law will dictate that he decides to take a liking to the other side of the stage that night.  Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of his pretty smile, I didn't quite catch it.

Axl Rose.  Still my ultimate favourite bloke/showman/performer.  He really proved that he still 'has it'.  He sang and whistled all songs with apparent ease.  What really impressed me was when he sang Nice Boys perfectly.  Yes he still had many costume changes, but from what I saw he needed to - he was running around the stage and his clothes were soaking wet within seconds of a change. 

Guns N Roses played a large range of old and new songs.  I enjoyed every second of it.  I did notice though that for a rock concert, the crowd was rather tame.  The crowd was loud but generally quite static.  Perhaps it was something to do with at the beginning a guy got escorted out by security for starting a mosh pit.  Unfortunately I didn't get any good pictures of the rest of the band. 

I took loads of photos, most of them were rubbish.  I learned that the iPhone4 camera is not great in a concert situation.  And the zoom lessens the sharpness of the photo.

Guns N Roses gave a big FU to their haters.


Monday 11 October 2010

This I Love

Today's post is brought to you by the song This I Love.  I was thinking about it earlier, it's so light and peaceful yet to contrast so powerful.

So I was reflecting on little things that I love about music stars:
  • During the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert when Queen are playing Tie Your Mother Down and Joe from Def Leppard announces 'Slash' and he comes bounding on stage.  Love that bit.
  • The way Dave Grohl plays his guitar - not musically, but physically.
  • During Don't Cry on the Tokyo Use Your Illusions Tour DVD, Axl Rose sings "I know how you feel inside I've, I've been there before" and he looks really cheeky/mischievious as he sings it.  Dirty boy ;)
  • When Chester Bennington is singing and bends over as if putting all his energy in that note.
  • Mark Hoppus and Tom Delonge's on stage chemistry.
  • Fred Durst's sexy 'movements' towards the end of the Eat Your Alive video.  "Once you seep in..." *I may have misheard those lyrics.
I could go on for ages.  But I won't.

Does anyone else have favourite music moments?

Sunday 10 October 2010

The Pace Is Too Fast/You Just Won't Last

Wow what a week.  Exercise wise I did pretty well, I did Zumba on Monday night with my good friend Jessica Rabbit and then got up at 6am (!! Yeah I know, I was surprised too) on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for a 30 minute exercise DVD shred, sweat, whatever.

My new job seems to be going well, I'm building new relationships and slowly figuring out what my job actually involves and also finding my way around campus.  On Thursday I trundled all the way up to London for a business meeting.  I had some spare time before getting the train back so thought I'd find another university to visit, I went to London Met.  I just stood outside as security was so tight.  I learned a lot from that. 

I keep having amazing ideas for my blog and then forgetting them. 

The top 5 things I have learned this week:
1. Be like a Scout and Always Be Prepared
2. Don't just 'drop in' somewhere big, it won't be appreciated so make an appointment
3. Going up to London, even for only a few hours, will make the inside of your nose black
4. The 'General Public' are extremely selfish and unaware of their surroundings - when saying 'Excuse Me' 4 times, each time increasing the volume only for the lady blocking the aisle to still not move, does justify me opening the freezer door a few minutes later and therefore blocking up the aisle for when she tried to walk past me.
5. I am still a long way off from being able to 'shake it!' at Zumba class

Blog title today - Linkin Park - Points Of Authority.  I have rediscovered Linkin Park today.  I haven't heard any of their material post-Meteora so not sure what they are upto nowadays but I love 'old skool' Linkin Park.

Friday 1 October 2010

Back row, Honour roll, Ahead of the class...

It's not quite like that for me now as I am not back at Uni as a student, but now as support staff.  It's been my first week and I've had meetings, phone calls, office cake and literally bumped into millions of students.  I've really enjoyed it though and I found out that since it's Freshers week (or Freshers Fortnight as it is now, in my day it was just the week), most things were free.  The only benefit of this for me was the free bus fare on the Uni bus.  However I finished earlier today and I got on a 'public' bus so had to pay.  First of all, it was extortionate - £1.90!!  That was only for one-way as well!  Also I forgot that bus drivers get rather annoyed if you give them anything but the fare.  I got told off for giving the bus driver a £2 coin.  And also, being on a bus unfortunately forces you to be in close proximity to certain members of 'riffraff' society.

So not a great experience.

Buses aside, I had a great first week and I'm looking forward to bringing this job role forward.  Assuming I pass my probation.  Apparently most people 'breeze' through it - no pressure!

In other news, I went to a BodyCombat class last night at a nearby leisure centre.  Wow.  It was hard.  I was supposed to be going with a friend but she got stuck in traffic (in her defense, it was gridlock).  I decided to opt for a Spinning session but it was fully booked so did the BodyCombat on my own.  Massive hall, 4 instructors, loads of people there and I deicded to go at the back so I could copy everyone else.  Which would have been great if I had my glasses on.  So struggled a bit there but it was good nonetheless, lots of jumping too!  I don't ache today but expect that it will come on overnight.

I had an excellent blog idea yesterday and now I can't remember - typical.  It's going to be bugging me all weekend!

Anyway must dash - I'm really hungry!!#

P.S For any of you wondering - the Title is the opening lyrics from New Kid In School by The Donnas.  One of my favourite songs to play drums to on Rock Band.