Friday 24 September 2010

Schools Out For Summer!

...well that's not completely true, a) I'm not at school anymore and b) we're just entering Autumn (or Fall to my American audience).  But I remember this being played on my last day of school and today was the last day that I would be working at the recruitment agency that I have been working at for the past year.  It hasn't quite hit me yet that I won't be going back there to work.  I had cake though so all in all, it has been a good day.

I spoke to my new boss today and he has confirmed my start date for Monday.  I'm quite looking forward to it, meeting new people etc. 

I went out for lunch with Steph today, she worksed in the office below me.  We got some lovely cakeythings that were quite small.  So I had two.  Unfortunately this meant that I had to have a low fat dinner so had a low fat lentil and vegetable tinned soup and to say that it was vile isn't quite at the level of grossness which this soup was at.  I felt like I was eating potatoes in water.  But a thick water.  I didn't like it.  I'm going to have to wash it down with a glass of wine which completely ruins the whole idea of having the soup in the first place.

As it's Friday, I'm heading out in a bit.  But in true 'me' style it's not off for a night on the tiles, I'm going to Blockbuster to rent Prince Of Persia.  Finally.  I've wanted to see it for ages.  Plus it's a free rental from Mars sweets promotion, good deal!

Er, guess I should be off...

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