Thursday 23 September 2010

Dance and Shout - Shake your body down to the ground.

I am the best person at mishearing lyrics, I hope I got those right.

Zumba was excellent.  I really enjoyed myself and had 'a right laugh'.  It was so difficult though, I was unable to 'shake my thang' excessively which was a requirement for most of the class - hence the laughing.  I have read that laughing is good for your stomach muscles - so all is not lost.  Has anyone else tried Zumba?  I hear it's the new craze!

I've just finished a Jillian Michaels 20 mins work out, I really enjoy it and although it's only 20 minutes, my heart rate monitor tells me that I burn around 400 calories each session which I'm happy about.  Need to get that NYC body!  I'm 14lbs away - I am the junk food is holding me back.

I found out yesterday that my current boss is letting me go on Friday - in a good way!  I'm currently working my notice as have another job lined up, so hopefully I'll be in my new job from Monday onwards - IT pending apparently!! 

Everything is ticking over nicely at the moment, so I'm looking forward to this dramatic change.

Lets see how it goes!!

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