Saturday 18 December 2010

Blood On The Dance Floor

Blood on the dance floor?? There was no dance floor!

Today I am supposed to be in London at the Angel Islington (is that a real place or just the Monopoly name? I only ever see 'Angel' on a map) completing a day long Michael Jackson themed dance class.  Unfortunately due to the adverse weather conditions I am doing no such thing.  In fact I am sat at home with cold toes listening to Let It Rain by East 17.  Poor choice of song perhaps.

The dance class was going to be epic.  4 workshops positioned throughout the day and then featuring a showcase at the end to pull together what we had learned.  I had even sorted out some pretty damn wonderful costumes for today including sequinned jackets, a Smooth Criminal-esque suit and appropriate 'zombie' attire.

Also I have been in 'practice(se)' mode for the past few weeks - I bought Dance Central for Kinect and have been using it regularly.  Note; I have gotten rather good at Jungle Boogie (5 gold stars on Hard! Boo yaa!).  Also I have been watching This Is It quite a lot to familiarise myself with his and his dancer's dancing styles.  I have worked this hard as I am was such a terrible dancer.

But never fear, we have rescheduled for March so I have a few months now to perfect my costumes and also my dance moves.  I am also looking forward to the Michael Jackson dance game to come out on the Kinect which I think will be in February so I can do some cramming before the day.  I don't want to look like an unprepared arse y'know.

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