Thursday 13 January 2011

Holiday! Celebrate!

We're 13 days into the New Year and this is my first blog post.  I'm pretty slow.

So, New Years Resolutions (which I currently haven't broken!) have been made and I am sticking to them, won't bore you with them but they are there on the back burner just quietly reminding me to stay on track. 

Exciting (depending on who you are) news has come up though, I might be going to New York City at Easter.  I didn't fancy going on my own and a friend is going then so thought I'd tag along and do 'research'.  Also on that note of wanting to move to NYC, my social networking put me in contact with someone who also wishes to move there, she is quite a few steps ahead of me though being of triple nationality and one of those nations is the USA.  Lucky sod.

Speaking of social networking, due to me spending a lot of time doing it, I have been asked to lead a social networking presentation.  Complement or punishment for spending too much time on Twitter? Ha!

Anyway holiday, yes, I haven't been on holiday for nearly 2 years so I think this will be a well deserved break and I thought also about heading to Montreal to 'see an old friend' - that phrase totally reminds me of X-Men where Professor X and Magneto refer to each other as that.

On a completely unrelated note but just something that has been bugging me, does anyone know why I can't get The Office season 5 on DVD from Lovefilm?

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