Wednesday 15 December 2010

Hybrid Theory

So, I have this new theory. 

I live on the 2nd floor in a block of flats and people regularly pee in my doorway and it seeps through the bottom of the door and onto the doormat on the other side of the door.  It's vile, it's disgusting and above all; it's unhygenic and possible a health and safety hazard.  Unfortunately our letting agents don't give two hoots and no matter how much the residents complain, apparently there is 'nothing they can do'.  I've come up with several solutions so I am unaware how they can come to this conclusion.  It's almost as if as soon as us residents mention it, the letting agents stick their fingers in their eyes and sing "lalala, can't hear you!"

Also, on my way home from work, there is a tramp that lives in a doorway several doors down from me.  He is always begging for money and occasionally has a lass sat next to him.  I never give them money (if I do it once they'll pester me forever right?) and he sees me every day and every day I walk past him and tell him I have no spare change (which to be fair I genuinely don't - I'm trying to save up for a house here people!) and then he sees me saunter off into my building.  He sometimes sees me deliberately not crossing the road before him but after him just so I don't have to say that I can't spare any change.

So back to my theory.  Is it rude to think that he is peeing in my doorway because I don't give me any money and he sees me walk into my flat everyday?  Any thoughts?

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