Thursday 5 August 2010

Pack Your Bags And Move To The City

I wish it was that simple.  I have just come back from a camping trip, my first proper camping trip, and I think it's pretty safe to say that I won't be going camping again, not in a tent anyway (I'll get to that another time).  Anyway, I've decided that I want to move to New York City.  As does millions of other people I suppose.  I've wanted to move there for years, but true to character I haven't done anything about it - my realistic (negative) attitude has said that I can't do it.  However, as Anastacia once said 'feeling sorry for yourself ain't got nobody nowhere', or words to that effect, so yes, I will do it.  I know that it's going to take years - I've done my immigration research.  Unfortunately I am not a doctor or scientist so can't get in that way and I have no immediate family (or any family for that matter) who are US residents.  It looks like I will either need to win the lottery and invest in a business or become sponsored by a company, which is fine it just takes a lot longer.  So here is my quest to get there, plus a few distractions of other things I get up to along the way...

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