Sunday 2 December 2012

Take Me Down...Spin Me Round...

So, what have I been upto recently?  Well, I've been under threat of redundancy for 5 months so that was a rather unfortunate time where I didn't do much as had to save money in case I was without a job, and then that disappeared so I went to Las Vegas again!!

Guns N' Roses had announced they were going to do a residency, Appetite For Democracy, at The Joint in the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas.  Since I went there for NYE, there was NO WAY I wasn't going to go back there.  Las Vegas is an incredible place and I had the money so, why not?

One thing that had changed since I last went, I had gotten myself a lovely boyfriend so he came along too.  

We spent 5 days basking in the extreme November sunshine (Vegas doesn't 'do' November Rain like England does), visiting the themed hotels, gambling, drinking (an 8.45am cocktail is just the way you want to start the day in Vegas!) and shopping (1am shopping on Black Friday was his idea, strangely).

This place really is 24/7, if something is shut, then so what? There will be so much other stuff open to do in the meantime.  

Highlights included; seeing Captain Jack Sparrow running down the street, the New York New York rollercoaster ride, winning (small scale) at roulette and the amazing food that is on offer in the States.

Now, the Guns N' Roses - Appetite For Democracy experience, that is another story..!

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