Wednesday 6 June 2012

What this means to me is more than I know you believe

I'm really pissed at myself for not being smarter.  I went all the way to Las Vegas to see Guns N Roses in December because a) c'mon, it's Vegas, but also b) I didn't know when I was going to have the chance to see them again.  So, when I heard they were playing in the UK in May/June, I bought a ticket to 4 shows...despite only being able to make it to 2 shows because of prior commitments - why I didn't check my dates before booking them, I don't know - I guess it was all the 'excitement' (Note: I don't ever get excited)  How did it not twig with me that UK shows were part of a larger European tour and I could have easily gone to more dates!?

So, why on earth did I not plan better and get tickets for Holland, France and/or Germany??  Holland would have been amazing and it's quite a bit closer than the US, closer and cheaper.  There is a slim chance that I can go to one of the Spanish anyone else going to a Spanish date?  

I'm a doughnut.

Who would not want to see this again..!?

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