Saturday 20 November 2010

Yesterday's Got Nothing For Me

It's been a while...

This isn't really an excuse but I've been mega busy at work recently and also my computer has been all over the place.  It now has a new home though in my new office at home, hurrah!  That last bit really isn't an excuse as I can post blogs from my phone...

So, what have I been doing for the past month?  Quite a bit.  In a nutshell, I have been settling into my new job and coming up with different strategies of how to get what I want.  The most common theme seems to be running alongside the idea of 'fake it til you make it'. 

I have also been trying to save money.  I failed miserably though so will be doing it from next month.  The idea behind me saving money is that Guns N Roses have announced that they are touring the US around March time.  I wanted to go back there anyway so thought I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone (or as Ali G might say - rather crudely - knobbing 2 birds with 1 jonny aiight), and do both at the same time.  I'm incredibly busy in March though so fingers crossed it will be spread out over a few months.

That's enough of this boring post.  More interesting posts will come soon.

In the meantime, this is me